Bring scholarship success
to every student

Our team has mastered the writing process of scholarship and college success. We've brought our inside secrets to over 10,000 students through hundreds of presentations. We'd love to share the success with your students.

Personalize support for each student

Our process ensures that each student is matched with a personalized Success Coach. With 1:1 guidance we provide individualized care.

Reduce stress on your staff

Scale your wholistic support by leveraging our team to provide personalized pathways for every student.

We’ve worked with more than 13,000 students across the nation
$100 million+
Our students have won millions in scholarships
Average amount per student
50 of 50
Our students are attending every top 50 school

Our students are winning 6x more than the average student and have won nearly every major scholarship.

Claim your school

Get your free scholarship center and never have to manage updating a scholarship list again. Upgrade your center to provided personalized scholarship success for every student.

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Some of our featured schools!

Our support covers everything you need

We’ve built pillars of support that focus on individualized support and meeting your students where they are.


Master the secrets of writing in person

We've seen the greatest impact when given the chance to teach students in person. At Tyee High School we presented in-depth tactics to scholarship writing and worked with 25 students to submit to a $22,500 scholarship. Weeks later 23 students won, totaling more than $500,000. We've traveled across the nation, helping thousands of students and want to teach your cohort how to find, apply, and win.

digital courses

Take success on the go, on demand

We have a library of in-depth, high quality courses that empower your students and staff to take the drivers seat. Each course is self-contained and focus on things like: Renegotiating financial aid, How to apply to college, How to write and win scholarships, Common App prep and more. Give your students tools they can walk away with.

One on one coaching

Personalized paths for each student

Through Enroll @ SJ students get access to a dedicated Success Coach, personal statement support, curated scholarship lists, in-depth 1:1 feedback on scholarship essays, and support in navigating all things financial aid.

staff Curriculum

Tailored support for your entire staff

We'll work with your 12th grade english class to incorporate writing for personal statements so your students submit before fall deadlines. With comprehensive support we're there for your counselors, covering the bases of college success, financial aid, and resources to keep your staff up to date on the latest secrets.

Are you a Title I school?

If you don’t have a budget, or a significant portion of your students qualify for free-and-reduced lunch we have pro-bono and discounted options available!

Scholarship Center

We’d love to help your college and career center list more scholarships for your students.

Learn more

Essay Support

Empower your counselors to help students get their essays reviewed!

Learn more
We've helped thousands win millions, let your students be next.

We can help give your students a competitive edge.

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we help schools excel
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