Michael Valdivia Scholarship

High School
Mental health

Scholarship Description

We have started The Michael Valdivia Scholarship Fund in memory of my brother. This will provide scholarships to male students who have struggled with depression and anxiety and have a passion to pursue an education, whether it be trade school or college. It is time to change the stigma attached to depression in males. It is not something they should ever feel shameful about, and no one should have to suffer in silence. Please help us shine a light on this by helping young men climb their mountain just as my brother did. Michael was someone who always gave back when he could, and we want to continue the legacy he leaves behind by helping others.

This scholarship seeks to support male students who have dealt with anxiety and/or depression and are passionate about taking the next steps to achieve their goals through the use of higher education.

Any male high school senior or undergraduate student who has experience living with the impacts of anxiety and/or depression in their daily life may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us about yourself, your mental health journey, and the obstacles that you’ve overcome in order to pursue your future goals of receiving an education.

High School
Mental health

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